The Tsans are a couple in their early sixties that have decided to retire early based on their high savings rate. While they live a frugal lifestyle, they love to travel and spend time enjoying themselves with friends and family. Though they’re already taking distributions from their retirement accounts, they would still like to help their grown children financially with contributions toward housing, weddings, and grandkids.

The Tsans are in a classic Distribute & Deploy phase. Their Halbert Hargrove advisor is helping them balance and diversify their investments while shifting their portfolio toward the least risk necessary in order to reach their funding goals.


The case studies are included for illustrative purposes only, to provide examples of the HH’s process, methodology and/or services. Any results portrayed in the case studies are not representative of all of the firm’s clients or the clients’ experiences. No portion of this presentation should be interpreted as a testimonial or endorsement of the firm’s investment advisory services. The information contained herein is based upon certain assumptions, theories and principles that do not completely or accurately reflect your specific circumstances. HH makes no representation as to whether investment in any security or strategy mentioned herein was profitable or would have been profitable for any person in the past.  Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk. Therefore, it should not be assumed that future performance of any specific investment or investment strategy will be profitable. There is no guarantee that the prevailing financial and economic conditions during the time frame of the case studies will continue. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.