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There’s no set and forget with estate planning. Even if you already have a plan, it will need to stay abreast of changes to tax laws—and your relationships.

How we help

Reviewing your existing plan.

Family dynamics and tax laws change. Your beneficiaries will go through changes, too. When your children become adults, for example, some provisions may no longer reflect your views on distributing assets. We’ll review all the details with you.

Recommending a capable attorney.

If the attorney who drafted your existing documents no longer practices, we can provide a referral to a professional who is a good fit. Also, since attorneys often charge by the hour, the preparatory planning we do with you can potentially trim your legal fees.

Ongoing reviews and updates.

As part of our review, we’ll revisit your named beneficiaries on accounts, confirm with you that all assets are titled correctly, and help you keep your paperwork organized—in an electronic, secure storage system.

We’re your advocate.

From advising on your estate plan’s structure to ensuring that important details stay current, we’ll help anticipate potential risks and continue to look out for your interests.

Questions about your current estate planning?

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